Our Starter Solar Power Set Up

Our Starter Solar Power Set Up

Our Journey Off Grid In South Africa: Testing out our starter solar power set up that’ll be our only source of power on our off grid piece of land until we’re able to upscale it.

Our Tiny House Layout Plans

Tiny House Layout Plans feature image

We’ve bought a piece of off grid land in the Western Cape, and we’re putting up a little wood cabin on it for us to live in. Now all I need to do is squeeze a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, lounge, office, two humans, three dogs and a cat into a 3m x 6m (18m2) space. Aaaaaaaand go.

First Camp On Our Land

Our first camping experience on our land, meeting people in the community and so much more.

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The Mystic Cat is now MYSTIC CRYSTALS. This site is no longer active. We've moved to www.mysticcrystals.co.za