2 Different Animal Totem Traditions – Both Strong Views, What Do You Choose?

Different Animal Totem Traditions

As already discussed, different animal totem traditions vary on the specifics when it comes to the exact number of totem animals you work with, and what they are called. Below I discuss two different animal totem traditions – I encourage you to do your own research and go with what suits YOU. It’s a personal […]

Animal Medicine – What It Is And How It Can Help You

What is Animal Medicine In the context of Animal Medicine, the word “medicine” must be redefined. Medicine in a Native American concept refers to anything that improves one’s connection to Creator/Great Spirit/The Great Mystery, and all life. This includes physical healing, mind healing and spirit healing. It also encompasses anything that increases or brings about […]

Different Animal Totems

Do we have more than one Animal Totem? Because our personalities, just like Mother Earth and Creator, have many facets, we usually experience more than one totem animal in our lives. Various traditions have differing teachings on whether there is a specific number of totems we experience. The Native American tradition, for one, teaches that […]

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