Sunstone Tumbled Stone

(44 customer reviews)


Sunstone Tumbled Stone. Cream to pastel peach coloured material, with small gold to orange flashes in some areas. From India. Good to Very Good Grade. Select your size below.


Sunstone Tumbled Stone. Cream to pastel peach coloured material, with small gold to orange flashes in some areas. From India. Good to Very Good Grade. Choose your size.



Sunstone is a member of the Feldspar family. It is named for its warm shades of gold, orange, reds and browns with its characteristic aventurescense (also called ‘schiller’). Aventurescense is a sparkle, or metallic glints, caused by inclusions in the stone. Usually specks of Goethite or Hematite, these flat, reflective inclusions refract light when the stone is viewed from different angles.



Physical Healing Keywords:

  • Digestive System, Digestion, Liver, Stomach;
  • Urinary System, Kidneys;
  • Throat;
  • Muscular Skeletal System, Feet


Metaphysical Keywords:

Abundance, Courage, Luck, Originality, Strength, Vitality, Happiness, Joy, Aura Cleansing, Right Use of Will



Sunstone is a joyful, light-inspiring stone. It’s said to restore the sweetness of life & helps you look after yourself. Allows the real self to shine through happily. Helps remove “hooks” from others. Helps you learn to say no. Removes codependency, facilitates self-empowerment, independence & vitality.

Overcomes procrastination. Acts as an antidepressant, lifting dark moods. Treats Seasonal Defective Disorder. Reverses the feeling of failure.

Additional information


Leo, Libra


Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

Colour Group

Yellow, Cream & Gold Crystals

Crystal System


Other Names

Plagioclase Feldspar



44 reviews for Sunstone Tumbled Stone

  1. Quintas Trytsman

    Nice genuine crystal. Nice size.

  2. Kc

  3. Juanita D.

  4. Anje

  5. Juanita D.

  6. Linda J.

    Absolutely amazing. So very pretty.

  7. Juanita

  8. Jessey

  9. Juanita

  10. Kayleigh

  11. Madelein B.

  12. Kyleigh Spencer

  13. Lerato Lemao

  14. Kayleigh

  15. Cayla Snyman

  16. Yvette Carter

  17. Mable

  18. Caylim Reeva

  19. Francis


  21. Laura

    Amazing service and fast delivery. Highly recommended 🙂

  22. Laura

    Amazing service and fast delivery. Highly recommended 🙂

  23. Jenny H.

  24. Rosslyn Hornsby

  25. Danielle

  26. Brandon Radue

  27. Lee B.

  28. Karusha H.

    The large size is excellent. A creamy colored stone, speckled with orange. Has a slightly golden sheen.

  29. Lizel

  30. Anonymous

  31. Chirandie E.

  32. Emmaline Tomalin

  33. Riaz Aniff

    this crystal was a very pretty but for some reason i got this crystal rough :/

  34. Marina

  35. Nicole

  36. Anonymous

  37. Karusha H.

  38. Caitlyn G.

  39. Vicky G.

  40. Johan Bester

  41. Lebo

  42. Wendy Tintelo

  43. Nikayla

  44. Marna

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