Spirit Quartz, Golden Cluster 5cm


Golden Healer Spirit Quartz Cluster 5cm. Fantastic natural, rich metallic gold Fairy Spirit Quartz. Spirit Quartz with this metallic gold coating is extremely rare and always an absolute treat to get hold of. One of my personal favourites! Also known as Golden Healer Quartz, Sunshine Quartz, and Golden Spirit Quartz. Size approx 5cm. Weight approx 25g.



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Golden Healer Spirit Quartz Cluster 5cm

Fantastic natural, rich metallic gold Fairy Spirit Quartz. Spirit Quartz with this metallic gold coating is extremely rare and always an absolute treat to get hold of. One of my personal favourites! Also known as Golden Healer Quartz, Sunshine Quartz, and Golden Spirit Quartz.

Due to the nature of the coating, there are areas with some staining that couldn’t be removed. Still awesome with oodles of sparkle and rainbows. From Boekenhouthoek, South Africa. Good to Very Good Grade. Size approx 5cm. Weight approx 25g.




Spirit Quartz, also called Cactus Quartz, is the name for a specific formation of Quartz.

Primary Quartz crystals are covered in a secondary drusy coating of distinct Quartz points that extend all the way up to the faces, leaving the tip of the original crystal point free. These secondary crystals point outwards (away) from the main crystal, unlike cascading crystals which flow up towards to tip or, less often, down to its base.

Spirit Quartz occurs mostly as white to grey, sometimes Smoky, and only about 20% of finds bear a light lavender Amethyst hue. A newer limited deposit has revealed a darker Amethyst Spirit Quartz called ‘Sunburst’ or simply dark Amethyst. Most rarely, Golden specimens (Limonite) are available on the market.


Fairy Spirit Quartz, or simply Fairy Quartz, refers to Spirit Quartz where the drusy coating is very fine. Fairy Quartz also tends towards longer, thinner primary points compared to the more frequently stubby arrangements of Spirit Quartz.



Limonite is an oxide and iron ore that occurs in varying shades of yellow to brown. It is used as a field term to describe unidentified massive hydroxides and oxides of iron with a yellow-brown streak where no visible crystals are present.

In other words, mineralogists know it’s an oxide, but they are not sure of its exact chemical composition. While Hematite can occur as yellow in some rare cases, it is a general rule of thumb that red hues are Hematite and yellow hues are Limonite.

Limonite Quartz, also known as Golden Healer, Tangerine and Lemonite Quartz, is Quartz with golden yellow to brown oxide inclusions or coatings.



Spirit Quartz occurs in very heavy clay substrate, often with scales of black oxide or stains, that require weeks of acid baths to clean. In the process, any Limonite coating that may be present is lost. Occasionally a small pocket is found in a softer substrate or without heavy staining that allows for less aggressive cleaning methods, and on the rare occasion these crystals bear a metallic golden Limonite coating.



Physical Healing Keywords

  • Skin, Cysts, Ulcers;
  • Urinary System, Kidneys, Detox;
  • Reproductive System, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, Testes, Fertility;
  • Immune System, Allergies
  • Master Healer, All Purpose

Metaphysical Keywords

Communication, Higher Self, Higher Realms, Devic Kingdom, Spiritual Guidance, Love, Group Work, Healing, Trauma, Grief, Amplifying, Raising Vibrations, Spirit Communication, Spiritual Awareness, Calming, Joy, Peace


Spirit Quartz

Spirit Quartz carries the vibrational key to Universal Love. The drusy crystal coating radiates high-vibration energy outwards while the core tightly focuses healing energy. Spirit Quartz facilitates a smooth transfer between beta and alpha brainwaves, making it a powerful meditation and journeying companion.

This is a very useful stone for those who give service to others. As it facilitates group work while providing insights into community or family discord.

Spirit Quartz is one of the rare stones that cleanses other stones placed around it. It also aids in transferring the energy of other crystals in a healing layout. Finally, it is excellent for geopathic stress and stabilising earth energy.


Golden Healer

In addition to Quartz’s generic properties, Golden Healer Quartz facilitates spiritual communication. This powerful stone empowers healing on all levels. Golden Healer crystals help in identifying the methods and techniques that will best aid recovery from the disorder. Thus a truly excellent stone for healing on all levels and in all situations.

Additional information




Crown Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Soul Star

Colour Group

Yellow, Cream & Gold Crystals

Crystal System

Hexagonal – Trigonal

Other Names

Ferruginous Quartz, Limonite Quartz, Yellow Quartz, Fairy Spirit Quartz, Witches Fingers


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