Quartz, Red Hematite Crystal Point (11-20)

(1 customer review)


Red Hematite Quartz Crystal Point. Great little natural crystal points of Quartz with bright red Hematite inclusions and exclusions. Good coverage across the surface with interesting growth interference and cascading elestial features. Also called Ferrunginous, Red or Hematite Quartz. From Zimbabwe. Very Good to A Grade. Choose your individual crystal using the drop down arrow below.



 Red Hematite Quartz Crystal Point (11-20)

Great little natural crystal points of Quartz with bright red Hematite inclusions and exclusions. Good coverage across the surface with interesting growth interference and cascading elestial features. Also called Ferrunginous, Red or Hematite Quartz.

From Zimbabwe. Very Good to A Grade. Choose your individual crystal using the drop down arrow. You will see the image of the stone and the stone’s size and weight shown.



Quartz is a hexagonal crystalline mineral composed of Silica. It is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. Quartz vibrates at a very specific frequency. This, combined with its general hardness and durability, heat resistance and electrical properties, has made it one of the most useful crystals in the modern world.

Hematite is the oldest known Iron Oxide mineral ever formed. It can be found in varying forms, including reddish brown masses, metallic silvery grey scaled masses, silvery grey to black crystals, and dark grey masses, among others. Originally named from the Greek word “Haima” for the rusty red variety, which has been used as a pigment for over 40000 years. It is abundant and an important ore of Iron.

Hematite Quartz is Quartz that has Hematite inclusions or exclusions present, having come into contact with this mineral during or after formation. It can occur in various shades and hues including black, red, maroon, brown and less commonly yellow. However, most desired by collectors is the bright red hue.



Physical Healing Keywords

  • Circulatory System, Anaemia, Bleeding, Blood;
  • Immune System, Fever, Stress;
  • Muscular Skeletal System, Fractures, Cramps;
  • Endocrine System, Insomnia

Metaphysical Keywords

Grounding, Calming, Improve Memory, Mental Clarity, Protection, Shield, Cooling, Master Healer, Astral Travel, Lucid Dreaming, Psychic Abilities, Telepathy, Energy Balancer, Energy Amplifier, EMF, Crystal Memory, Attunement Stone, Release, Transmutation


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier in the world. It absorbs, stores, releases, regulates and unblocks energy as needed. Thus a true ‘Master Healer’, as Quartz can take energy to the most perfect state possible, going back to before dis-ease set in. It works on all levels of being. Additionally, it aids concentration and unlocks memory.


Hematite Quartz

Hematite Quartz vibrates with Universal Love. It is a wonderful combo stone for recovering from illness, especially long-term. Its beautiful ‘dancing’ energy stimulates energy flow on all levels, boosting the body and spirit. Hematite itself is extremely grounding and protective, bringing these properties into the Quartz. Strongly yang, it addresses yin imbalances.

Hematite Quartz boosts self esteem, willpower, confidence and creativity. It can help you find peace with past mistakes and let go of feelings of despondency. It’s also a great aid in breaking bad habits and supports treatment of compulsive disorders and addictions.

Additional information




All, Crown Chakra

Colour Group

Red & Orange Crystals

Crystal System

Hexagonal – Trigonal

Other Names

Ferruginous Quartz, Hematoid Quartz, Specularite Quartz


11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

1 review for Quartz, Red Hematite Crystal Point (11-20)

  1. Natalie Forgus

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