Blacknite Quartz Cluster 5cm
Blacknite Quartz is a fairly newly discovered Quartz pocket and very little has come out so far. Featuring a black patina consisting of rare minerals Bornite and Covellite in Ferro-Hematite. What makes this Quartz special is the occasional occurrence of a 100% natural rainbow, blue, pink or yellow metallic colour!
Individual small to medium Quartz crystals in complex arrangements. Please note that the matrix is fairly unstable and can crumble, so please handle your cluster gently. From Ambositra, Madagascar. Good to A Grade. Size approx 5cm. Weight approx 65g.
Blacknite Quartz
Blacknite Quartz is the trade name given to a newly discovered material from Ambositra, Madagascar. Optic to near-optic Quartz crystals coated with Bornite and Covellite in a Ferro-Hematite patina. The metallic lustre has areas of 100% natural rainbow iridescence. The deposit generally consists of small to medium-sized crystals clustered in dense, complex arrangements with variable amounts of patina.
Bornite is a Copper and Iron-bearing sulfide that is often mixed up with Chalcopyrite. It’s an important ore of Copper. Bornite is usually massive or granular, while rarely forming crystals. Bornite freshly exposed is a reddish-copper colour.
Within a few days, it tarnishes to pinkish grey through to an iridescent purple, red or blue. With prolonged exposure to air and moisture, it will eventually tarnish to black (unlike Chalcopyrite).
Covellite is a rare copper sulfide mineral that was initially thought to be cupric sulphide. However, more recent studies have revealed a more complex chemical nature (Cu+)3(S2-)(S2)–). Covellite gets its name in honour of Italian mineralogist Niccolo Covelli, who discovered the mineral at Mount Vesuvius in the 1800’s.
Collectors highly value specimen-grade Covellite. This sub-metallic mineral forms in thin platy hexagonal crystals and rosettes very rarely, while more commonly presenting as massive to granular. It occurs as a dark indigo blue, often iridescent with purple, dark red and brass-yellow flashes.
Hematite is the oldest known Iron Oxide mineral ever formed. It occurs as reddish-brown masses, metallic silvery-grey scaled masses, silvery-grey to black crystals, and dark-grey masses, among other forms. Hematite is also spelt Haematite.
Its name comes from the Green word ‘haima’ which describes the rusty-red variety of Hematite. As a pigment, this red type of Hematite has been used for over 40,000 years! Additionally, Hematite is an abundant and important iron ore.
Physical Healing Keywords
- Circulatory System, Anaemia, Bleeding, Blood;
- Muscular Skeletal System, Muscles, Cramps, Spasms, Bones, Fractures, General Strength;
- Immune System, Inflammation, Fever, Infections, Arthritis, Rheumatism;
- Digestive System, Metabolism, Liver, General Health, Calcium Absorption, Detox;
- Nervous System, Pain Relief, Insomnia
Metaphysical Keywords
Joy, Playfulness, Transformation, Transmutation, Chakra Clearing, Energy Balancer, Attunement Stone, Release, Grief, Strength, Grounding, Calming, Cooling, Psychic Abilities, Past Lives, Higher Realms, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Unconditional Love, Self Acceptance, Higher Self, Manifestation, Energy Amplifier, Crystal Memory, Mental Clarity, Protection, Shield, EMF
Blacknite Quartz
Blacknite Quartz combines the properties of Quartz, Bornite, Covelline and Hematite:
Clear Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier in the world. It absorbs, stores, releases, regulates and unblocks energy as needed. Thus a true ‘Master Healer’, as Quartz can take energy to the most perfect state possible, going back to before dis-ease set in. It works on all levels of being. Additionally, it aids concentration and unlocks memory.
Covellite is the ultimate seer-stone, acting as a bridge between dimensions and realms. Covellite powerfully boosts all psychic abilities, because its vibration is strongly attuned to the third eye chakra. This mineral strengthens and aids clairvoyance, vision questing, past life recall, astral travel, lucid dreaming and channelling.
Through a deeper connection to Higher Self and clearer guidance from your spirit ‘team’ (guides, ancestors, power animals, angels, etc), Covellite helps you to align with your highest path. Also aiding in manifesting your dreams into reality, it is a strong transformational stone.
Bornite brings freshness and newness to your life. Stimulates your inner self to seek new heights. It teaches that life is truly joyful to experience. Thus allowing you to enjoy happiness in the moment. Bornite is excellent in helping you integrate and unite emotions with the intellect. Also helps you release what is no longer useful.
Bornite promotes insights into the aspects of grief and relief – helping you to both recognise and accept the differences. Strongly protective, it shields your from energy bombardment, while helping you recognise the source of the negativity. Finally, Bornite can provide insight into obstacles that are blocking your progress towards specific goals.
Hematite is highly grounding and protective. It can harmonise mind, body and spirit while dissolving negativity. Because it’s strongly yang, it helps address yin imbalances. Supports women by boosting self-esteem and survival instincts, while enhancing willpower, reliability & confidence.
Hematite supports treatment for overeating, smoking, as well as all kinds of compulsions and addictions. It helps you come to terms with past mistakes. Due to Hematite’s cooling effect, it’s great for aiding the treatment of fevers and hot flushes. Hematite can also assist in legal situations. Additionally, Hematite is useful for studying and comprehending maths & technical subjects.
Karina Botha –