Physical Healing Keywords
Abdominal, Blood, Chronic Fatigue, Ear, Gallbladder, Immune System, Intestines, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Joints, Mucus, Ovaries, Reproductive Organs, Uterus, Skeletal System, Skin, Tissue Health, Tumor and Growths
Metaphysical Healing Keywords
Emotional Stress, Joy, Laziness, Motivation, Revitalization, Sexual Abuse, Aura Cleansing & Clearing, Balance, Cutting Etheric Cords, Energizing, Sacral Chakra
Powerful amplifier & cleanser of energy simply by having in a room. Connects emotions with the intellect, creating emotional intelligence. Positive effect, especially if you have lost hope or motivation. Combats laziness. Calms the mind, stimulates insights & boosts memory.
In addition to the generic properties of Calcite, specific colours of Calcite have the following properties: Orange Calcite – highly energizing.
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