The Zelator: The Secret Journals of Mark Hedsel, A Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
A Modern Initiate Explores the Ancient Mysteries.
This autobiography is of a sorcerer’s apprentice (zelator is one of the lowest magical grades). It is full of obscure bits of kabbalistic lore and stories so weird that they will leave the reader’s head spinning.
Shortly before he died, Mark Hedsel entrusted to the author, David Ovason, the manuscript of his personal account of his journey of initiation, on what is traditionally called the Way of the Fool. The book tells the story of his inner and outer search with unprecedented candour. The Zelator is a magical book in more than one sense.
Deeply personal, it is touched with great sadness and joy. It is beautifully written, uncompromising in its scholarship, and glittering in the array of spiritual insights which it reveals.
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