Setting up a crystal grid for the first time? Let us walk you through the steps from preparing the crystals to activating the grid!

In our previous lessons, you learned about SACRED GEOMETRY, and HOW CRYSTAL GRIDS WORK. Next, you discovered the 5 elements you need to MAKE A CRYSTAL GRID. In this lesson, we’ll look at how to set up a crystal grid.
If you’ve been following along with the lessons, you should have chosen your crystals, grid pattern and activator wand, and have an intention written out. This process will be the same for every grid you make going forwards.
Decide where you want your crystal grid to go. Ideally, you will want to leave the grid up for a few days, to a few weeks, depending on your goal. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Remember that this is a sacred energy vessel communicating your will to the Universe! It should be given a place of honour, not tucked away, if possible.
- Where it won’t be bumped or get in the way of daily living activities.
- Next to the bed usually isn’t advisable as the energy can potentially interrupt your sleep cycle (unless of course it’s a grid related to the bedroom i.e. insomnia, dream work, relationship).
- You might want to consider Feng Shui to help you decide where to put your grid. For example, the centre of a room is connected to the earth element as well as your overall wellbeing. While the furthest right hand corner from the entrance is the wealth area.
- If you have a SACRED SPACE, then this is the perfect place for your grid to go.
The crystals you’ll be using to set up your grid should be cleansed and attuned before use in the grid (or for any other energy work). To begin, gather all the elements you’ll be using in your crystal grid.
- Keystone
- Crystals
- Grid mat
- Written intention
- Activator wand
- Any additional elements you want to incorporate into your ceremony (candle/s, dried botanicals etc)

There are many different techniques for cleansing your crystals, for example setting them out in a full moon, using a smudge stick or the smoke from incense, or laying them next to or on a crystal specifically programmed to cleanse the stones around it. You can learn more about HOW TO CLEANSE YOUR CRYSTALS in our Crystal Basics: Free Crystal Course for Beginners.
When it comes to setting up a crystal grid, we recommend smudging (i.e. using smoke from incense or a smudge stick). It’s great for grid work preparation, as it enables you to cleanse all the crystals as well as any other tools and elements you are using in your grid.
- Open door/s and window/s for good ventilation, you want to allow the smoke to exit.
- Waft the smoke across the crystals, your grid mat, the activator wand, your intention paper, and anything else to be used in the grid. You can also cleanse the space and yourself, if you like, while you are at it.
- Visualize any old, stagnant and unwanted energy being dislodged and floating away with the smoke.
- Imagine everything you are cleansing being filled with white light as you cleanse them. See them charged with light energy.
Once the stones have been cleansed, the next step in setting up your crystal grid is to program them to work with your intention.
To do this, hold the crystals in your hand and ask that their power be activated to work with your intention and anything else that is in alignment with the highest good. Your wording can be personal here.
It’s good to state your intention out loud and clearly.
Imagine that the stones are energized by the power of your mind and the intention you have for the grid. You might like to close your eyes and picture the crystals surrounded by pure white light.
We cover HOW TO PROGRAM YOUR CRYSTALS in detail, our Crystal Basics: Free Crystal Course.
In this tutorial, we have been working with the Flower Of Life sacred geometry pattern. However, these same steps to set up a crystal grid can be applied to any pattern.
When laying the crystals onto your grid pattern, you will always start by placing the key stone in the centre of the grid.
Take your written intention and incorporate it into the grid. One option is to fold the piece of paper with your intention written on it and place it beneath the key stone, or under the grid mat where the key stone will stand. Keeping the piece of paper beside the grid is fine too.
Now place the surrounding stones on the first outer ring or section from the key stone. As you place each stone, keep your intention for the grid at the forefront of your mind. Continue in this way, moving outward from the centre of the grid.

Once you have finished placing all the elements onto your grid, it’s time to connect and activate the grid. This is the last step in setting up your crystal grid. Imagine this as ‘connecting all the dots’ and ‘switching it on’.
Take your activator wand, repeat your intention and then point it at the key stone. Imagine energy from the wand flowing out of its point to reach the key stone. Then draw an imaginary line from the keystone to each of the stones closest to it, one by one, connecting them to the key stone like a web of white light. Continue back and forth from key stone to crystal to key stone, until you have connected all of the crystals with the key stone. Then move onto the next set of stones moving outward from the centre.
Once you have connected all of the surrounding stones with the key stone, repeat your intention and take the wand away from the grid. The Crystal grid will now be activated and strongly attuned to your intention. Visualise your grid glowing with beautiful, pure white light as it ‘comes online’ and energy begins to flow through the keystone and into the pattern.
Feel in your heart the crystal grid working towards manifesting your goal as energy powerfully flows through the combination of the sacred geometric pattern and your charged crystals, beaming out your energy sequence to the Universe. Now that the grid is activated, it will continue to operate until disassembled.

To set up your crystal grid, begin by choosing the right space for it to be in. Gather all the elements and cleanse them. Program the crystals to the intention. You can then start arranging the stones on your grid mat. Always start with the keystone in the centre of the pattern, working your way outwards. Once all the stones are placed, activate your grid with your activator wand.
In the next and final lesson of our CRYSTAL GRIDS COURSE, we will discuss something super important yet frequently overlooked! What do you do once your grid is up?? Find out in Lesson 5: How To Maintain & Close A Crystal Grid.