What is Amazonite?

Amazonite is part of the Microcline Feldspar family. Microcline is named from the Greek words ‘micros’ (small) and ‘kleinen’ (to incline’), referring to the characteristic small deviations found in its intersecting right-angle cleavage. 


Other namesAmazon Stone
Crystal SystemTriclinic
Hardness6 – 6.5
ChakrasThroat, Heart
Astrological SignVirgo
Physical Healing KeywordsBlood disease, Burns, Colour blindness, Drunkenness, Eye-sight, Infection, Insomnia, Oedema, Scalds, Sleeplessness
Emotional & Spiritual KeywordsTruth, communication, harmony


Amazonite Healing Properties

Amazonite is a powerful environmental filter capable of blocking both geopathic stress and electromagnetic smog. It is also able to filter information, combining it with your own innate intuition. 

An extremely soothing stone, Amazonite healing properties include assisting with releasing worries and fears, and healing emotional trauma. It enhances loving communication while dissolving negative energies and aggression.

Amazonite is a stone of balance that can help you to see both sides to problems and different points of view. It is an excellent balancer of male / female energies in the personality.


Amazonite Healing Properties Amazonite Tumbled Stone XS 1

Amazonite Healing Properties & Energy – Personal Comments

Amazonite healing properties make it a super useful stone to have in your healing arsenal. It works so well with other stones and its base abilities can be applied to many different situations. Pieces that display the lovely sheen on them characteristic of this stone have a light-bringer energy. They can reflect light and healing energy outwards, as well as direct that reflecting energy inwards to find what is needed. 


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